Feel First, Then Act

“Feelings are for the soul what food is for the body.”― Rudolf Steiner

When I moved into my new house, I didn’t really know what I was stepping into. On a deep level, the move felt right. From the moment I saw it, I felt that the vibration of the house was very high. But it needed renovation. The physical bones of the house were damaged and so many things were in need of repair or falling apart. 

I was sitting on the couch thinking what have I done? I don’t think I can do this. But I was tapped into the spirit of the place. I just had to realign with the vision.

When I do breathwork with clients, there is often a moment when they think ‘what am I doing? I can’t do this. I can’t surrender to my breath and my feelings.’ It feels scary. 

Fear leads to contraction. 

We’ve all experienced this personally, and lately we’ve been particularly challenged on a national scale. 

As we celebrated and enjoyed our 4th of July, we again had a senseless shooting. A child became orphaned and beautiful lives were lost. As I sit with my own hopelessness, I wonder what will it take for a change to happen?

I honestly have no answer, yet I know I feel the outrage and frustration of a country that wants changes, yet is not moving in a direction where we feel safe again.

Add to that the January 6 hearings, more mass shootings, and the overturning of Roe v Wade and we have even more chaotic, disorganized energy. It’s as if something is trying to pull us backwards so that we stay closed and small. 

Rather than give in to the manipulative, protective energy that’s occurring, how can we welcome this as a wake-up call? 

How can we trust that we are stepping into a higher vibration, a higher vision, when all we see around us are things that are broken or falling apart?

We must begin by going inward. We must do the work. Too often it’s easier to place blame outside ourselves. We blame the government, political parties, the lawmakers, the court. 

From our own disconnection, we create and thus see a divided country, a divided justice system. But this is a collective issue. We’re all part of this, no matter what our individual beliefs are. There is a choice to be a victim or take action. 

I often start by asking What’s triggering me? What emotions can I identify?

And how might my own emotions be manifesting in the external world?

Blocked feminine energy in all of us will show up in the world, SOMEHOW. As feminine energy rises, the biggest power issue right now is abandonment, or losing power. This energy goes back generations. The wounded masculine projects onto the wounded feminine. We’re all involved in this. 

We formed this country around a desire for freedom, but freedom is not outside. 

Change begins by going inward. 

Return to the breath. 

Become conscious of feelings. 

Surrender and allow. 

This is the path of connection and clarity.

That’s what my house taught me. I wanted to expand into what the house was offering me, into the life I imagined. But first, I had to sit with walls crumbling and toilets overflowing. I had to surrender and accept the overwhelm. In a way, I felt I was sitting with the woundedness of the house. Once I was able to feel the stuck energy and clear it, I was able to take action.

Even when this home we share seems to be in disarray, trust that whatever emotions you feel will lead to RIGHT action. 

Remember, emotion is energy in motion. Allow it to lead you. When you move from that intentional place, you will know what to do. 

“The wound is the place where the life enters you” ~ Rumi

Lisa Peterson