Meeting 3 Universal Fears With an Open, Non-Judging Heart

Last month I went to Sedona to attend Gregg Braden’s four-day Pure Human: Breakthrough! Retreat. Gregg is a brilliant scientist with a background in geology and biology, as well as a five-time New York Times best-selling author. He is considered a pioneer in the emerging paradigm bridging science and human potential.

At first the event was chaotic as 300 people tried to settle into a breath practice. There were sound issues, and trouble with the air conditioning. 

When the first practice was over, I asked the woman beside me, “How was that for you?”

“It felt like being at a rodeo,” she said.

Right! The ego was like the bull, bucking and kicking and resisting what was happening. But once we all got to a place of hundreds of people harmonizing with their hearts, it was beautiful!

Once again, I was reminded of the power of HARMONY.

Harmony with my body, including my aches and pains.

Harmony with my God.

Harmony with my eternal self.

At one point, Gregg went to his computer and played the sound of the earth’s magnetic field. It sounded like flowing water and whale song. This validated the work that I do. Whether through WhaleBreathing or swimming in the ocean with whales, I’ve experienced that sound and the way it opens us up to the vibrations we need to attune to. 

Grounding to the earth helps us face what Gregg suggested are three universal fears:

  • Abandonment and separation

  • Feeling unworthy

  • Being afraid to trust

How do these fears affect the story of who we are? How do we show up in our bodies when we are ruled by these fears?

How do we show up in our relationships?

I have been meeting one of my oldest, deepest fears as I’m now preparing to go to Africa for three weeks. I’m scared about leaving my daughter for a few weeks, even though she will be with her father, and, at nineteen, she is an adult.

Am I abandoning my daughter? Or am I being triggered by my own unfinished work? 

When my mom was studying to become a therapist, her thesis for psychoanalysis was on the importance of parents doing their inner work so they don’t project onto their children. 

I used to have recurring nightmares of my family leaving without me. I would cry, “Wait, where are we going? What’s happening?” Because I couldn’t hear, I often missed directions and this turned into a fear of being left behind. 

It’s hard to sit with the energy of abandonment. But out of that past and that suffering, I became independent and learned to trust my own voice and my intuition. I learned to speak more loudly, to be seen and heard. 

My mother was very analytical. She wrote about how much she loved the intuitive part of me and how, because of me, she learned to be more intuitive herself. 

I know that when I come back from Africa, I will be different and so will my daughter. 

I have to honor and be in the discomfort of separating from my child. I have to trust that I have raised her well and that she’ll be OK. 

What I learned from Gregg Braden is that all building blocks of the human body and nature have the same encoded message. Whether studying Hebrew, Einstein, or sacred geometry, there are certain letters and numbers that translate to: Eternal / God / Within you.

What will it take to meet that beautiful power within?

One powerful pathway is heart-centeredness. Rather than judging people or experiences, which always creates divisions, the way can be found by connecting to things from the heart.

Being present, through breathwork, connects us immediately to our hearts. It allows us to embrace the mystery within us and access our deepest selves, our bodies, and our eternal selves. 

“When a certain number of people come together and they choose at a moment in time to create a precise emotion in their hearts, that emotion literally can intentionally influence the very fields that sustain the life on planet earth.” – Gregg Braden

Lisa Peterson