Welcoming Resistance and Transition as Mirrors For Growth


“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.”  –Carl Jung

Since my recent hysterectomy, I’ve been doing a lot of research about Conscious Femininity and asking, what is healthy feminine energy? Do we even know? As I continue to heal from my surgery, I’m aware of the shift that has occurred in me from this loss.  

I was sharing my thoughts with my sister recently and as we were speaking the news services announced the election results. All afternoon I felt a powerful and profound inflow of energy. There were goosebumps on my arms and then tears began to fall. I experienced a rush of relief and release.

It wasn’t about who won or lost; it was about change. Because if I’ve learned anything about feminine energy, it’s that the source of my power and balance is never about the external world. 

A few days later was the birthday of my dear friend, who passed away in January. Reflecting on her death, I remembered the frustration and judgment I felt about her process of surrendering and letting go.

Talk about resistance: She was clinging to life, afraid to transition. And I was clinging to an idea of what her transition should “look” like. I forgot that the way she met her death was up to her and that it wasn’t about me. 

My friend’s death provided a mirror for me to look at this idea of resistance. And her birthday, coming on the heels of the election, brought another lesson. No matter what life brings me—whether it’s an outcome I call “bad” or “good”—it’s all just change. My goal is to allow change, whether I deem it hopeful or painful. 

Resistance can serve a purpose. The more we carry, the higher we will rise when we let it go. It’s like throwing a rubber ball; the stronger the force is upon release, the higher it will bounce. 

What we face now is not just a new president, but a new paradigm. The last four years were triggering for everyone, no matter what your viewpoint is. We’re seeing our current government break tradition by vowing to make the transition difficult. We can call this good or bad. The truth is that we have needed things to shake us up. 

This shake-up allows the rise of the feminine, which is also a new paradigm. 

As I wrote in my latest newsletter, The Rise of the Feminine. “Feminine is our connection to our physical body—our organs, nervous system, bones, brain and heart. When we allow ourselves to connect and notice, we feel physical things, like tension or anxiety. The body is our road map. Our feminine work is to tap in and allow ourselves to ground and anchor within.”

When I’m triggered by external events, I realign by first acknowledging the pain. Then I breathe, feel it, listen to it, and allow it. If I’m not in alignment, I’m in resistance. 

As we move through these cycles of disruption, resistance, and transition, I have resolved that I won’t make any decisions or take any actions until I’m in alignment. 

I invite you too to stay aligned to Spirit and to your breath, to take time to feel, and to honor the rise of feminine energy. 

This Thanksgiving may be drastically different than past holidays, but even in times of isolation, gratitude is possible. Remain in alignment to make gratitude flow more easily. Together, we can help our collective immune system by staying in a high vibration.

Enjoy this time of growth! 

P.S. I’ll be launching The Rise of the Feminine in Breathwork classes in January. Watch for details.

Lisa Peterson